Game Patterns

The key idea of this approach to game making is to start with a simple Platform Game Template to Remix and to add Game Patterns from a menu of possibilities. There are many ways of thinking about these patterns but in this guide we are dividing them up into the following:

mechanics space polish and systems

How to build your own game from the following Game Mechanics

The process of adding to the Platform Game Template to Remix. Start by playing the game and then clicking Edit Code to get started. Then pick one of the Game Patterns below and follow the instructions to add it to your game. Test it out and when you are happy with it, pick another and keep adding to it. The following tips will help you:

Game Mechanics

Add or change what you do in the game

Game Polish

Change the look and feel of the game and add to the story

Game Space

Change the shape or nature of the playing space of the game.

Challenge and Systems

Through challenge and systems, games get harder as you progress to keep your interest.