Learning Dimensions of this Project

This section includes a map of different learning dimensions which are possible and likely to emerge from taking part in this game making course.

It is inspired by the work of Bevan and Petrich around their study of ‘tinkering’ in science museums, who through close observation in partnership with learning facilitators mapped some of the complex learning processes which may be hard to spot in a quite chaotic and messy learning environment.

Other ideas behind the structure of this section are explored here.

Coding Concepts

These concepts are needed to put Algorithmic Thinking into practice. The following are loosely based on the computational thinking concepts of Brennan and Resnick.



A common practice when there is a set of instructions that might be run in more than one situation, or to keep code neat is to create a separate function. The last block of the code above does that.






loop one



Creating Functions


Events occur at different times in the running of a computer programme. Two types are User Input Events and Change Listeners.

Input Event

Change Listener

Systems Patterns

Systems Elements

Systems Dynamics

Reinforcing Feedback Loops

Balancing Feedback Loops

Design Practices

Defining Design Practices

This mapping of design practices encompasses concepts from the following frameworks.

The whole process is inspired by Bevan and all’s learning dimensions framework for making and tinkering. The following learning dimensions have emerged having been selected based on observation the practices being used in the game making programs:

Goal Setting

Being Incremental and Iterative

Developing Shared Vocabulary

Collaborative Production

Reusing and Remixing

Web Navigation

Problem Solving

Version Control


Game Testing and Publishing