Name: Collect all Food before Progressing
Description: The player must collect all items of food before progressing.
Need for Pattern: Having our player Collect all Food before Progressing is a way of increasing the challenge of a game. It works well in combination with having a timer.
Related Game Patterns: Add a Time [related], Add more Levels [related]
Coding Concepts involved: Data,
Links to other Computing Patterns: , Change Listener
To add this patterns we need to add some logic the overlap listener which checks to see if the player is touching the end goal.
Drag in an if then logic block and follow up with a 0 = 0 operator comparison block.
From Advanced > Arrays drag a length of array list block into the first side of the comparison block.
Check the number of food items by replacing the list variable with a real list. In this case the list of food items. To do this drag in from Advanced > Arrays a block that says set sprite list to array of kind Player. Drag this into a blank area near our overlap listener as we only need on part of it.
So Drag the blue block saying array of kind player inside the length of array block, and change Player to Food. Check with the screenshot below.
Test your game to check that your changes have the desired behaviour and that there are no side effects. For example, do you have to collect all food or can you progress without doing that?
This Game Pattern is one of many allowing you to make improvements to your platform game and to learn coding and wider computing concepts. Find more on the Game Pattern page.