FLOSS Manuals

A community making great, flexible, user-friendly manuals together.
We create booklets, course materials and manuals for creative, cultural and campaigning uses of Free Software.

New Manual:

Books produced during the Book Sprints for ICT Research project

Have a look at the series of books created as part of the The FLOSS Manuals Foundation and Adam Hyde are collaborating on a one year project funded by the European Commission.

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phpList manual partnership with FLOSS Manuals

We are very happy to work with phpList to develop a new workflow for exporting epub, pdf and HTML versions of documentation from FLOSS Manuals to be displayed within the websites of our partners.

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Plumi is a Free Software Content Management System designed for video-sharing, based on Plone and produced by EngageMedia.

Independent Video Hosting

DIY video hosting and players. DIY video hosting and players. DIY video hosting and players. DIY video hosting and players.


Scribus is a program for professional page layout, for creating PDF (Portable Document Format) files. With Scribus you might create brochures, booklets, books, magazines, etc.


Blender is a software that is used for creating 3D content. Primarily this means you can make three dimensional images. However, you can also add sound, and make it time-based and interactive

Bypassing Internet Censorship

This manual, 'Bypassing Internet Censorship', provides an introduction to the topic and explains some of the software and methods most often used for circumventing censorship.


Mozilla Thunderbird is a feature-rich, reliable, and secure tool for managing your email. It's free and open source and it comes from the folks at Mozilla, the people who created the Firefox web browser.


Pure Data (or Pd) is a real-time graphical programming environment for audio, video, and graphical processing. Pure Data is commonly used for live music performance, VeeJaying, sound effects, composition, audio analysis, interfacing with sensors, using cameras, controlling robots or even interacting with websites.


Vector graphics editor. Its goal is to implement full support for the Scalable Vector Graphics 1.1 standard.